Soothing Escape Massage LLC

1111 East 3rd Street, 
Santa Ana, 

General Information

Hello, I am Alfred-Andrew Bowen. I have been practicing in the field of massage therapy and lymphatic drainage since 2008. In my career, I have helped many people return their bodies and life back to normal, typically in 6 sessions.

I’ve had the privilege of working with a “Mommy Maker Over Surgery” (tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and liposuction) client. She was a former basketball player standing about 6’1″ and walked into “Love Thyself Day Spa” hunched over 5’8″, in pain and in need of assistance.

With the healing effects of herbal clay, light therapy, and moving the fluid with the power of Vodder Therapy manual lymphatic drainage, the lady was able to walk out of our spa standing up taller, feeling like her life was given back to her. The lady left saying, she felt the surgery was actually a success.



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